🙏🕊️ Sovereign Energy Exchange Directions: (SEED)🙏🕊️
Moving forward all energy exchange is following the SEED outline:
I trust myself with all access to all “BNL’s Work on Essence” whether it be course, recaps, zoom blooms or general platform access to this community that:
I am willing to FEEL INTO my being what FEELS (in each moment) respectful, truthful, and balanced as a Transacting of Monetary Energy in exchange for what I am able to receive through others’ commitment, dedication, resources, learnings, cultivated skills, and navigational services combined.✨ 🙏🕊️
In return BNL’s admin and steward acknowledge that:
👉 All ‘SEED’ contributions are Respected. 🙏🕊️
👉 Contribution is for Your access only.

Visit our New Contribution page to
select your preferred recurring Gifting Energy
Option 3 – Private (larger) Contributions
For private, direct, or larger contributions, you can select your own amount in multiples of $5,-
Please use the button below.
We also have a private BNL PayPal link
or you can write us a direct bank cheque.
for Bank Cheques via Snail Mail 🐌
Please reach out to support@bravenewlife.net
for the addressee name and postal address! ✉️
Have a read before you contribute.
This is what our Ko-Fi Contribution page looks like (this format has limited functionality)